Buying Gifts for Yourself

By 16:40:00 , , , , , , , ,

I thought I'd do something different today. I mean sometimes it's a bit too much pressure doing blogmas/vlogmas and sometimes I feel like my content isn't exactly what I want it to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't want to post just for the sake of it. So today, I really wanted to talk about something that I have a little bit of trouble with. Treating yourself.

I bought some make up the other day from Chanel. Now I've never owned anything from Chanel if I'm completely honest and I felt like I hadn't bought myself anything in ages. So I took the plunge, and after trying some out a few days before at the counter, I decided to buy some products for myself.

I got the bronze universal and also a blush. This blog post isn't really about what I bought though, it's more of an expression of how I feel when I buy myself things. I guess I feel kind of guilty.. Having said that though, I'm trying to learn that we all work hard and if you don't treat yourself, then what's the point? So it's okay to gift yourself, especially at this time of year. Working overtime to get other people amazing gifts so it's not really that bad to treat yourself once in a while.

I'm not sure if it's just me that feels that way but I just thought I'd get my views out there anyway. So if you plan on treating yourself then do it! Try not to feel guilty, even though I know it's easier said than done and get whatever it is that you want. Of course, it has to be within reason, I don't think you'll be able to get yourself an actor husband or something anytime soon.

Emma :) 

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