Healthy Snack: Protein Balls

By 20:33:00 , , , , , , , ,

These are a little healthy snack that I like to make! 

You will need: 
- 32g vanilla protein powder (I prefer to use soy)
- 42g agave nectar (honey also works) 
- 32g peanut butter 

You can always change the peanut butter to another nut butter of your choice.
Simply mix your protein powder and agave nectar into a bowl. At first it may seem like it's not mixing so you may need to push it off the spoon. 

Next, you add your peanut butter and mix. Depending on how thick the proton oowder is that you are using, you may need to add more agave nectar at this point if they are too powdery. It should be thick enough for you to make it into balls. 

You can make these as big or as small as you like! I love these and to boost my protein, I have protein peanut butter. I did make a video on how to make these so if you would rather watch that then head over to my YouTube channel. 

Emma :)

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