3 Steps to a Help a Hoarder..

By 10:56:00 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This post is a little random but it's something that I've been concentrating on recently.

I'm not sure if anyone else feels like this but I find that de-cluttering helps me focus! I've got a tonne of clothes at the minute that just needed sorting. So there's a couple of questions to help me decide whether it's staying or going. 

1. Does it fit? Sounds ridiculous but at the minute a lot of my clothes are going for that baggy look- which is completely unintended. Don't get me wrong, some things look nice oversized but others look like I'm wearing my dads top. In this instance it has to go! 

2. Did I wear this when I was 14? Okay so I think my fashion sense has changed drastically since I was a young teen. But my clothes don't seem to have made their way out of my wardrobe. Just because it fits, doesn't mean it stays. If you're still into the same taste then of course, there is no point in throwing it away. 

3. Do I actually wear it? I'm guilty of this. So many things I own still have tags on them. I see it in the shop, absolutely love it, tell myself I can totally wear it.. But of course, I never do. Either I need to buy something that matches it or get rid of it completely. I've found a good way to do this is to use and app called depop. You can buy cheap clothes or sell those that you want to finally bid goodbye to. I have a profile myself for my unwanted clothes (that I never did end up wearing), taylor swift hoody (Yep, the  whole 'I wore this when I was 14'), my topshop jeans (not a good oversized look) and accessories that have just sat in my room since their day of purchase. Check it out if you like! My username is emmaawilson. Perhaps my unwanted goods could be of better use to you. 

(The snake-print topshop jeans I promised myself I would wear..) 

Emma :) 

P.S thank you so much for 50 followers on bloglovin'. It's a first milestone that I never thought I'd reach. I'm enjoying every minute of blogging so I'm glad you can continue the journey with me. 

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