Top Tips to Stay Healthy this Winter.

By 16:45:00 , , , , , , , , , ,

It has been a while since I last blogged!

The transition to the colder months of the year are always so busy though! With starting my final year at Uni- eep, to working, to Halloween, Bonfire night and now, of course.. the preparation for Christmas. However, that is no excuse. So I'm back with a bit of motivation to spread (at least, I hope.)

I have to say that the hardest time of year to be healthy for me, is definitely now. I mean there are Costa Christmas cups, food markets, Christmas catch-ups, crepe stands.. anything and everything is so tempting. But, they said that Summer bodies are built in the Winter, so I'm trying my hardest.

I thought I'd share some of my top tips to stay healthy this Winter. I'm in no way an expert but just find these work for me.

1. Indulge. I figured that starting on a high note would be the way to go. Yes, I mean it. Indulge. Sometimes it's so difficult to stay healthy and can even be upsetting when you're constantly being hard on yourself. The best thing to do is eat well during the week, and have a treat on the weekend. Whether it's at that food market or even at the cinemas, then just allow yourself a treat. It motivates you during the week to be good when you know you're going to have that chocolate brownie and Byron Burger on Saturday night.

2. Work out at the start of the week. I can promise you, it is a million times easier to go the gym at the start of the week. I've been trying to go four times a week, and I much prefer going Monday-Thursday than on the weekend. I feel a lot more energetic and really feel I'm getting somewhere. Besides, no one really has plans on a Monday night compared to a Friday night.

3. Mix it up a little. For a few weeks, I'll do the same work out routine and honestly, it just gets boring. So if you can change it every now and then, then I would recommend it. I find it more enjoyable and challenging when it's fairly new to me.

4. Protein, protein, protein. I'm not saying, have chicken for breakfast, dinner and tea- I'm a veggie anyway so would never really say that. Instead I mean have protein where you can and if you're feeling peckish then have protein snacks, it's much better for you and will help you build muscle. Have protein bars, balls, cakes, pancakes, whatever it is that you fancy.

5. Don't be hard on yourself. You have to be strict a lot of the time but if you're really not feeling up to it then you can give yourself a day off to relax. After all, we're only human.

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